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packcircles version 0.2.0 released

Version 0.2.0 of the packcircles package has just been published on CRAN. This package provides functions to find non-overlapping arrangements of circles in bounded and unbounded areas. The package how has a new circleProgressiveLayout function. It uses an efficient deterministic algorithm to arrange circles by consecutively placing each one externally tangent to two previously placed circles while avoiding overlaps. It was adapted from a version written in C by Peter Menzel who lent his support to creating this R/Rcpp version. The underlying algorithm is described in the paper: Visualization of large hierarchical data by circle packing by Weixin Wang, Hui Wang, Guozhong Dai, and Hongan Wang. Published in Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006, pp. 517-520 (Available from ACM ). Here is a small example of the new function, taken from the package vignette: library(packcircles) library(ggplot2) t The package vignette for the new fun...
Recent posts

Graph-based circle packing

The previous two posts showed examples of a simple circle packing algorithm using the packcircles package (available from CRAN and GitHub ). The algorithm involved iterative pair-repulsion to jiggle the circles until (hopefully) a non-overlapping arrangement emerged. In this post we'll look an alternative approach. An algorithm to find an arrangement of circles satisfying a prior specification of circle sizes and tangencies was described by Collins and Stephenson in their 2003 paper in Computation Geometry Theory and Applications. A version of their algorithm was implemented in Python by David Eppstein as part of his PADS library (see ). I've now ported David's version to R/Rcpp and included it in the packcircles package. In the figure below, the graph on the left represents the desired pattern of circle tangencies: e.g. circle 7 should touch all of, and only, circles 1, 2, 6 and 8. Circles 5, 7, 8 and 9 are internal , while the remaining circles are exter...

Static and moving circles

After the previous post on the packcircles package for R someone suggested it would be useful to be able to fix the position of selected circles. As a first attempt, I've added an optional weights argument to the circleLayout function. Weights can be in the range 0-1 inclusive, where a weight of 0 prevents a circle from moving, while a weight of 1 allows full movement. The updated code is at GitHub . Here's an example where the largest of a set of initially overlapping circles is fixed in place: And here is the code for the example: library(packcircles) library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) # Generate some random overlapping circles ncircles

Circle packing in R (again)

Back in 2010 I posted some R code for circle packing . Now, just five years later, I've ported the code to Rcpp and created a little package which you can find at GitHub . The main function is circleLayout which takes a set of overlapping circles and tries to find a non-overlapping arrangement for them. Here's an example: And here's the code: # Create some random circles, positioned within the central portion # of a bounding square, with smaller circles being more common than # larger ones. ncircles

Fitting an ellipse to point data

Some time ago I wrote an R function to fit an ellipse to point data, using an algorithm developed by Radim Halíř and Jan Flusser 1 in Matlab, and posted it to the r-help list . The implementation was a bit hacky, returning odd results for some data. A couple of days ago, an email arrived from John Minter asking for a pointer to the original code. I replied with a link and mentioned that I'd be interested to know if John made any improvements to the code. About ten minutes later, John emailed again with a much improved version ! Not only is it more reliable, but also more efficient. So with many thanks to John, here is the improved code: fit.ellipse 0)] f Next here is a utility function which takes a fitted ellipse and returns a matrix of vertices for plotting: get.ellipse And finally, some demo code from John: create.test.ellipse 1 Halíř R., Flusser J.: Numerically stable direct least squares fitting of ellipses. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Confere...

IDE errors with Maven projects after upgrading to NetBeans 7.2

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Build an application plus a separate library uber-jar using Maven

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