The proto package is my latest favourite R goodie. It brings prototype-based programming to the R language - a style of programming that lets you do many of the things you can do with classes, but with a lot less up-front work. Louis Kates and Thomas Petzoldt provide an excellent introduction to using proto in the package vignette . As a learning exercise I concocted the example below involving Bayesian logistic regression. It was inspired by an article on Matt Shotwell's blog about using R environments rather than lists to store the state of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler. Here I use proto to create a parent class-like object (or trait in proto-ese) to contain the regression functions and create child objects to hold both data and results for individual analyses. First here's an example session... # Make up some data with a continuous predictor and binary response nrec x y # Predictor matrix with a col of 1s for intercept pred colnames(pred) # Load the proto package li...