The previous two posts showed examples of a simple circle packing algorithm using the packcircles package (available from CRAN and GitHub ). The algorithm involved iterative pair-repulsion to jiggle the circles until (hopefully) a non-overlapping arrangement emerged. In this post we'll look an alternative approach. An algorithm to find an arrangement of circles satisfying a prior specification of circle sizes and tangencies was described by Collins and Stephenson in their 2003 paper in Computation Geometry Theory and Applications. A version of their algorithm was implemented in Python by David Eppstein as part of his PADS library (see ). I've now ported David's version to R/Rcpp and included it in the packcircles package. In the figure below, the graph on the left represents the desired pattern of circle tangencies: e.g. circle 7 should touch all of, and only, circles 1, 2, 6 and 8. Circles 5, 7, 8 and 9 are internal , while the remaining circles are exter...