Whisper the terrible words type erasure to any moderately experienced Java programmer and you're likely to see: fear loathing soul-crushing sense of defeat all of the above Now if you are a moderately experienced Java programmer, but you're thinking to yourself "what's type erasure ?" my advice is this: Stop reading now ! Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. My own rule of thumb, when confronted by the need to query the identity of K, or V, or T or any of their evil friends, in the innards of a class with generic type parameters, is to run away. Sadly, there are circumstances when that's just not an option. Although I deeply empathise with those who equate Java reflection with incest and folk dancing there are times when it's black magic or nothing. But where to find the magic ? Enter Richard Gomes and his article: Using TypeTokens to retrieve generic parameters . This demonstrates the seemingly impossible feat of pulling erased rabbits out of Java...